Abstracts submitted for oral presentation (contributed talk, 30 min including discussion) as well as posters must be attributed to particular symposia. For oral presentation, only one abstract per author can be submitted. Members of the scientific committee will evaluate these abstracts, and participants will be notified about the decision within 4 weeks after the abstract submission deadline. If an abstract is rejected for oral presentation, it will be automatically converted into a poster. All oral presentations will be plenary lectures.
In order to encourage young scientists, there will be a competition for the best three student posters. Eligible are posters of undergraduate, graduate and PhD students who are first as well as presenting authors. Members of the scientific committee will evaluate these posters. Criteria will be scientific impact, originality, and quality of the presentation.
Abstract texts can have up to 2500 characters including spaces and should be as informative as possible. Do not use references and provide 3-5 keywords that best describe the content (avoid ‘polyploid’ or ‘ploidy’). Abstracts that do not fit the conference scope or are of too poor quality may be rejected, even as posters. Those that have been rejected for oral presentation may still participate in the competition for the best student poster award (if eligible).
Please note that abstracts of submitting authors who fail to pay the registration fee will not be included in the abstract booklet.
Example of Abstract Format |
Evolution of polyploid genomes
Ivan Matković1, Tonko Horvatić2 and Miro Perkov3 1Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (imatkovic@biologija.hr), 2Institute for Medical Research, Ksaverska cesta 2, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (thorvatic@imi.hr), 3Rudjer Bošković Institute, Bijenička c. 54, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (mperkovic@irb.hr) Polyploidy through evolutionary processes… |
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