Visa requirements for Croatia please check:
Time zone:
GMT + one hour (London 12:00, Zagreb 13:00)
Tap water is safe for drinking.
220 volt.
Currency and exchange rate:
Kuna (100 lipa); 1 EUR is approximately 7,7 Croatian kuna (HRK)
ATMs are available throughout Croatia. They will accept different bank cards, credit cards (Diners Club, Eurocard/MasterCard, Visa, American Express etc.) and debit cards (Cirrus, Maestro, Visa electron etc.).
The capital of the Republic of Croatia iz Zagreb.
Distance from Zagreb to Rovinj is 250km
Useful expression in Croatian
Hello | Bok |
Goodbye | Doviđenja |
Good morning | Dobro jutro |
Good day | Dobar dan |
Good evening | Dobra večer |
Good night | Laku noć |
Yes | Da |
No | Ne |
Please | Molim |
Thank you | Hvala |
You are welcome | Nema na čemu |
Excuse me | Oprostite |
My name is… | Zovem se… |
What is your name? | Vaše ime? |
Pleased to meet you. | Drago mi je. |
Do you speak English? | Govorite li engleski? |
I do not speak Croatian. | Ne govorim hrvatski. |
I understand./I do not understand. | Razumijem. / Ne razumijem. |
Where is the…? | Gdje je…? |
information | informacije |
money | novac |
bureau de change | mjenjačnica |
exchange rate | tečaj |
post office | pošta |
tourist office | turistički ured |
accommodation | smještaj |
doctor | doktor |
hospital | bolnica |