Program overview ICPHB2016
Wednesday May 11
17:00-20:00 Registration and poster set-up (Hotel Lone, Conference centre)
20:00-22:00 Welcome reception (Hotel Lone)
Thursday May 12 |
Friday May 13 |
Saturday May 14 |
From 8:00 Registration (Conference centre)
8:30-9:00 9:00-10:00
8:00 Conference centre open 9:00-10:00 |
8:00 Conference centre open 9:00-10:00 |
10:00-10:30 Coffee break |
10:00-10:30 Coffee break |
10:00-10:30 Coffee break |
10:30-12:45 Session 1 |
10:30-12:35 Sessions 1 and 2 |
10:30-12:35 Session 3 |
12:45-14:00 Lunch break |
12:45-14:00 Lunch break |
12:45-14:00 Lunch break |
14:00-15:00 Sessions 1 and 2 |
14:00-15:30 Sessions 1 and 2 |
14:00-15:00 Sessions 2 and 3 |
15:00-15:30 Coffee break |
16:00 Bus departure to Bale (Histria Aromatica – autochtonous aromatic herb plantation) and Svetvinčenat (conference dinner) |
15:00-15:30 Coffee break |
15:30-17:30 Sessions 1 and 2 17:30-18:30 Poster sessions 1 and 2 (PS1-1/PS1-23; PS2-1/PS2-19) |
15:30-17:00 Sessions 2 and 3 17:00-18:00 Poster sessions 3 (PS3-1/PS3-35) 18:00 Poster awards and closing ceremony |