The 14th Croatian Biological Congress
With international participation
October 12 – 16, 2022
Hotel Park Plaza Histria, Pula
Abstract submission
Instructions for abstract submission
Abstract has to be related to one of the Congress topics or satellite Symposia and may only be submitted using web form at official web site of the Congress. Authors who submit abstracts for presentation are NOT automatically registered for the Congress. Participants may register for the Congress only by using the web form at the official web site of the Congress. The presenting author of each abstract has to register as a participant, or the abstract will not be included in the Book of abstracts.
Abstracts must be written in English and should contain title, authors’ names and addresses, aims, methods, results and conclusions of the study.
Abstracts should contain 1200 – 1500 characters (including spaces), as is noted in the registration form defining aims, materials and methods, results and conclusions of the research. The title should be printed in capital letters. Type initial of the first name, and then last name and e-mail address of the author(s). Please omit academic degrees. Please type affiliation (institution, town, country) and e-mail of each author using numbers. Abstracts will be printed in the Congress Book of Abstracts. Please, note that the Organizer will not provide any editing of the abstracts.
Example of Abstract Format
M. Kučinić1, A. Tomić2 i M. Crnoja3
1Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (, 2Institute for Medical Research, Ksaverska cesta 2, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (, 3Rudjer Bošković Institute, Bijenička c. 54, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia (
Bugs have the power to change the world…
Review of Abstracts
The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts with the aid of ad hoc reviewers in full confidentiality. The Committee reserves the right to decline presentation of any abstract devoid of scientific merit or merely announcing the availability of a resource or service.
Oral presentation
Duration of oral presentations is limited to maximum of 12 minutes + 3 minutes for the discussion. Chairmen will be additionally instructed to take care of the timing to ensure time schedule functioning and enable switching between the sessions. A PC with MS PowerPoint and LCD projector will be available for your presentation. For all other requirements, please contact the technical stuff of the Croatian Biological Society in advance. Exceptionally, Scientific Board will estimate and suggest 30 min duration of some oral presentations.
Instructions for Poster Preparation
We can not guarantee for the Posters left on boards after Congress. Each poster will have assigned a display board (90 cm wide and 150 cm high).
Presenters are asked to attend their posters during the poster exhibition and discussion times that will be included in the final Program of the Congress.
Invitation to submit original research or professional articles
The Croatian Biological Society cordially invites all interested authors to prepare papers for publication in one of the Croatian scientific journals:
Acta Adriatica
Acta Botanica Croatica
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju
Croatian Journal of Fisheries
Food Technology and Biotechnology
Periodicum Biologorum
Natura Croatica
Entomologia Croatica
Molecular and Experimental Biology in Medicine
We expect several other journals to express interest as well, of which we will timely inform the participants of the Congress. The Editorial Boards of the above mentioned journals will receive and process the manuscripts according to their editorial policies and those that meet the criteria of the journal and successfully go through the peer-review process will be published with the indication that they were either partially or fully presented at the 12th Croatian Biological Congress.
Abstract submission
After abstract submission you will receive information
about abstracts.